
57 Etats s’engagent pour un Objectif Eau, la France signe !

Extraits :

« On the occasion of World Water Day 2014, we therefore want to commit to a Sustainable Development Goal on water and sanitation. The water and sanitation SDG must be ambitious, with targets that take into account the unfinished business of the MDGs, as well as the emerging and future challenges. The document on the focus areas of sustainable development prepared by the Co-Chairs of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals for its ninth session earlier this month, as well as the discussions during the session itself, provide a solid basis for shaping the SDG on water and sanitation. »
« Being aware that many share the same vision, we encourage all Member States to support the elaboration and adoption of such a dedicated SDG on water and sanitation in the future discussions on the post-2015 development agenda in the Open Working Group, and beyond. »


Voir l’intégralité de l’appel et les Etats signataires dans le document en téléchargement ci-dessous.

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